Resource Planning Software with Management Reports

Actionable insights with configurable reporting with Resource Planning Software!

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resource planning software

Convert Data into Decisions

Reports that make it easier for management to interpret data and make well-informed decisions. Every report functions as a reporting engine, thus allowing users to view data from various perspectives, views, units, and graphs.

Convert Data into Decisions with Resource Planning Software

Highlights Over & Under Utilized Resources

Resource utilization report can be viewed at different levels i.e. resource, project, task, manager etc. In different views (day, week, months...) and units (hours, %, FTE etc.) and boasts configurable colour-coded heat map that highlights over & under utilisation at all levels.

Identify over and under utilization of resources

Capacity Reporting

Availability report uses resource capacity and demand from existing assignments to report real-time capacity. Must-have for managers to be updated on the availability of different roles and resources for additional project work. This makes our resource planning software a powerful capacity forecasting tool.

Capacity planning and management report

Cost, Revenue & Profit Reporting

Financial reports use rates and scheduling data to accurately forecast cost, revenue and profit at different levels i.e. resources, projects, clients, etc. eRS resource planning software provides actionable financial information that helps to boost bottom line.

Cost, revenue and profit reporting

Timesheets Report

Dedicated timesheet report uses timesheet entries to show actual effort invested by resources on different projects and tasks. Timesheet report can be viewed from different perspectives i.e. projects, resources, role and boasts informative graphs snd charts.

Timesheets management report

Planned vs Actual Reporting

With the introduction of the timesheet module, our resource planning software has a unique capability of showing planned v/s actual data side-by-side for easy comparison. This option is available for utilization, availability and financial reports. Comparative reporting helps in easily identifying gaps and leakages and enhances future scheduling.

Planned vs. actual resource management reporting

Configurability by Default

eResource Scheduler takes care of the details and provides features that address scheduling challenges faced by real-world resource coordinators and managers on a daily basis.

Configure reporting with colors

Reporting colors

Administrators have the facility to configure reporting colors as required to highlight important information.

View report in days, weeks, months

Multiple views

View reports in days, weeks, and months and go up to year view if required.

View report in hours, percentage, days, FTE

Multiple units

Reports can be viewed in hours, percentage (%), days, FTE (full-time equivalent) as required.

Export reports to excel

Export to excel

Single click export to excel for further analysis.

Interpret data quickly with graphs


Graphs help in easy and quick interpretation of data.

Maximize resource utilization now

One place to schedule, plan and track all your resources