Hybrid Workforce Resource Management: Navigating Resource Management Challenges

Resource Management

Remote work has changed the way we work. Remote work, also known as work from home, was instantly accepted as the “go-to” work model during the COVID-19 pandemic. The work model’s ability to offer greater flexibility, better work-life balance, increased productivity, and access to a global talent pool has made it the preferred work methodology even post pandemic.

Technological advances like access to high-speed Internet, digital project tools, rising office space, and a growing demand for flexibility have also contributed to the remote work trend. But there are challenges to this model.

In this blog, we’ll look at the future of remote work and how your business can navigate some of the unique challenges this work structure brings. We’ll also talk about how technology in the form of resource management software can make it easier to manage and sustain remote work practices.

How does Remote Work Affect Human Resources?

Across the globe, there is a shortage of talent. Companies are seeking the right talent and remote work fills this need. Human resources and managers can now access the right resource without being restricted by location or timing, presenting them with a more diverse set of employees that have varied experience and can drive innovation.

What Challenges Does HR Face in a Fully Remote Environment?

However, that doesn’t mean all is well with remote work scenarios. It can be a challenge for human resources and project managers to manage the remote workforce. Here are some common obstacles hybrid team managers face:

  • Poor communication and collaboration:

    • Lack of face-to-face interaction can make it difficult to build relationships and trust between team members and managers.
    • It can be challenging to collaborate on projects and share ideas when team members are not in the same physical space.
    • Remote workers may feel isolated and disconnected from the company and the team. They often have a hard time “fitting in”.
    • Creativity and innovation can also be hampered as a result of limited face to face interaction.

  • Inefficient management and tracking of work:

    • It can be difficult to track the progress of remote workers and ensure that they are meeting deadlines and understand what tasks they are working on and how long they are taking.
    • Managers can’t step into an office and get project updates or identify when a team member is struggling.
    • Assigning the right tasks to the appropriate resource can also be tricky if all information on their work availability and hours isn’t available.
    • Managers are also not sure if the employees are being utilized properly or if their workload is adequate.

  • Appropriate technological and security support:

    • Not all companies have the right technology in place to support remote work. This can lead to problems with communication, collaboration, and project management.

  • Building trust and relationships:

    • In a remote work scenario, it takes longer for managers to trust and build relationships with the remote workers. How do managers ensure the resources are working hard and meeting deadlines? Sometimes, this lack of trust can lead to micromanagement and a decrease in employee morale.

  • Creating and sustaining company culture:

    • Another struggle for HR and project managers is to build and maintain a strong company culture when employees are not working together in the same physical space. This can lead to a decrease in employee engagement and satisfaction.

Performance Management

Remote work also presents some performance management challenges. Because it’s no longer possible to physically see what an employee is working on, managers and project managers need to rely on other tools and processes to ensure productivity and optimum performance levels.

A resource can easily be overloaded and assigned too many tasks or it can be completely under-utilized. Both of these can have a grave impact on the individual and company performance. If the person is not assigned the right task or is overworked, they won’t be able to generate ideal results.

Also, the employee might have technical or equipment issues. They might need help and it can be difficult to ask for or get help if a proper communication system isn’t in place. This impacts not only their individual performance but that of the whole team.

What Are the Main Challenges That Remote Workers Face

There are also a set of challenges that remote employees face. Let’s understand a remote employee’s perspective.

For remote workers, the most common obstacles they face include:

  • Lack of face-to-face interaction:

    One of the biggest obstacles of remote work is the lack of face-to-face interaction with managers and coworkers. This can make it difficult to build relationships, collaborate on projects, and feel like part of a team. Many times remote workers state that they don’t feel their manager understands their pain points and struggles. The isolation from limited face-to-face interactions and collaborations can also negatively impact their mental well-being.

  • Distractions and self-management:

    When you work from home, it can be easy to get distracted by things like household chores, pets, or social media. This can make it difficult to stay focused and productive. Remote workers need to be self-motivated and disciplined in order to be successful. This can be challenging, especially when there is no one to keep an eye on you.

  • Work-life balance:

    It can be difficult to separate work from home life when you work remotely. This can cause burnout and other mental and physical health problems.

  • Time zone differences:

    If remote workers have several colleagues in different time zones, it can be difficult to coordinate meetings and collaborate on projects. This can lead to delays and misunderstandings.

Remote Work Advantages and Disadvantages

Remote working, also known as telecommuting or working from home, is a work arrangement in which employees work remotely from a location outside of a traditional office. This can be done full-time or part-time, and can be arranged on a permanent or temporary basis.

There are many advantages to remote working, including:

  • Increased flexibility and work-life balance

    Remote workers can set their own work hours and complete work from anywhere with high-speed internet access. This can give them more control over their time and allow them to better balance their work and personal lives. This flexibility and autonomy often leads to better job satisfaction because they are able to set their own pace.

  • Reduced commuting and office expenses

    Remote workers don't have to commute to and from work, which can save them time and money. For businesses, remote work offsets the growing rental space costs of physical offices. In the world of sustainability, the remote work model also adds to a company’s image by reducing its environmental footprint.

However, as we highlighted earlier, there are also some disadvantages or challenges to remote working. The most commonly expressed issues are those of lack of communication, a feeling of isolation, and poor technological support.

We understand the challenges of a remote work environment. But the question that remains is, “What are the solutions to these issues?” That is where remote work management is relevant. Let’s understand what remote work management is and how to implement it.

What is Remote Work Management?

Much like the name itself, remote work management is the process of leading, monitoring, and tracking remote employees and assignments. Remote work management consists of the following functions that will support the remote work environment:

  • Communication
  • Technology
  • Procedures for hiring, assigning, and tracking remote resources

One thing to remember is that remote work is a fairly new concept and therefore remote work management processes are still developing.

Manage Remote Work with Resource Management Tools

Remote work is no longer just the flavor of the month or a trend. It’s the future of work. If your company wants to reap the benefits of remote work like cost savings and access to a more diverse talent pool, you need to be able to manage and monitor your remote resources efficiently.

One way to overcome remote work challenges is to use a resource allocation tool like eResource Scheduler. This all-in-one software will not only provide visibility on all available resources and their billing rates, availability, and schedule but also help you track their productivity and workload. The platform will be equipped with real-time data metrics like resource utilization rates, actual vs. planned time taken for tasks, and estimated budget vs. actual budget that can help you manage resources and keep track of project progress.

CEO & Founder
Rudraksh Vyas
Rudraksh Vyas, an accomplished CEO at ENBRAUN since 2011, has a proven track record in leading and growing technology-driven businesses. His expertise lies in product development, client management, and implementing effective business strategies, ensuring robust financial and resource management. Prior to his current role, Rudraksh honed his skills in business development, where he excelled in account management and export marketing. He holds a PMP certification from the Project Management Institute and an MBA in International Business from the University of Technology Sydney. Rudraksh's journey reflects a deep commitment to excellence and innovation in the tech industry, making him a respected leader and visionary in his field.

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